Greenfield 12.13.2024

12 Prayers for Christmas

Focused on Advent

Love: Lord, help us follow the way of love—let the love of Christ compel us.
1 Corinthians 14:1; 2 Corinthians 5:14

Joy: Restore the joy of Your salvation to us; let us experience the joy of Your presence.  Psalm 16:11; Psalm 51:12

Peace: Let Your peace rule and guard our hearts; give us more of You, Jesus—You are our peace.  Ephesians 2:14; Philippians 4:7; Colossians 3:15

Hope: Enlighten the eyes of our heart so that we may know the hope You called us to.  Ephesians 1:18


Focused on God’s Sovereignty and Grace

Favor: Let Your favor rest on us. Luke 2:52

Life: Shine Your light of life on us; help us to walk in it. Job 33:30; Psalm 56:13

Salvation: Help us to fear You so we can unlock the treasure of Your salvation. Isaiah 33:6


Focused on Spiritual Growth

Selflessness: Keep us from self-seeking attitudes that reject truth.
Romans 2:8

Generosity: Make us rich in ways that result in generosity on our part so You will be praised. 2 Corinthians 9:11

Receiving: Help us receive Your kingdom, Your Spirit, and Your grace.
Daniel 7:18; John 20:22; Romans 5:17


Focused on Worship

Seeking: Encourage us to seek Your face with all our hearts.
Deuteronomy 4:29; Psalm 27:8

Praise: We ascribe glory to Your name, Lord; we come before You in worship for You are holy.  1 Chronicles 16:28-29


Thank you

Thank you to all the families who donated raffle baskets for our staff Christmas party.  Our staff was greatly blessed by your generosity and had a great time picking out a basket.  We appreciate all of our Greenfield families!


Christmas at GCS on December 20th

Jingle Bell Jog – All Grades will participate in the Jingle Bell Jog. Sign up here to volunteer

Classroom Parties – Grades Pk-5th will celebrate with classroom parties. Please reach out to your room mom for details.

MS Christmas Knights Day – STUCO has put together a fun filled day for the Middle School students! It includes a donut bar, hot coco, the annual  gingerbread making competition and more.  Click here to volunteer!  Also instead of asking for donations for the various items needed for Christmas Knights Day, this year we are asking each student to pay $5.  Please pay here!


Save the Date:

Daddy Daughter Dance – Saturday, February 1, 2025.  More details coming soon!



Order your book today! The cost of soft cover goes from $20 to $30 and hardcover goes from $25 5o $35 after 12/31.


Yearbook Cover Contest:

Thank you so everyone that submitted a yearbook cover this year.  We had over 50 submissions and they were all amazing. The top five submissions are: 

5th place – Bri Bridgman – 7th grade (submission #42)

4th place – Rebekah Koch  – 5th grade (submission #30)

3rd place – Elena Newell – 7th grade (submission #23)

2nd place – Clair Horton – 8th grade (submission #40)

1st place – Ezekiel Emery – 8th grade (submission #27)

If you would like to see all the submissions, they are up in the hallway by the office.


Photos Needed!

We need your pictures from activities on campus.  If you want things like sports teams (right now we do not have any sports pictures from this fall submitted) or events included in the yearbook we need those pictures. Please upload them here.  If you have any problems or questions please email [email protected].


3rd Quarter Clubs:

Chess Club

Art Club

Sports Discovery 

Soccer Stars

Choir Club


Lost and Found:

The lost and found carts are overflowing!  Please look through the jackets, lunch boxes, and water bottles to claim your child’s items.  All remaining items will be donated over Christmas Break.


Dress Code Reminders:


Tops:  Polos are required Monday through Thursday, even if wearing a required GCS sweatshirt. 

Bottoms: Most fabrics for pants and shorts are allowed including tech cotton-blends (golf pants), 100% cotton khaki, or blue denim. Unacceptable material includes terry cloth (traditional sweatpants), nylon, or mesh athletic shorts (basketball shorts).  Approved colors are black, blue, khaki/tan, and gray. 


Driveline Reminders: 

In order to keep our driveline running quickly, we ask that you make a right hand turn ONLY at the end of driveline.  Also make sure you come at your designated time.  


Important Dates:

December 20: Jingle Bell Jog and Knights Fun Day

December 23-January 6: Christmas Break

January 7: School Resumes

January 9, 10: Winter Conferences, ½ days

January 20: MLK Day – No School




Registration is now available for boys volleyball; please follow the link below to complete it. Registration will close Monday, January 6th and will need to be completed in order for your athlete to participate in official practices after Christmas Break. Just a reminder, a physical is needed as part of the registration process.

Open gyms will be held next Tuesday (12/17), Thursday (12/19) from 3:30-5pm and Friday (12/20) from 11:30-1pm. Open gyms are optional, but would love to have your boys attend as many as possible! For questions please contact [email protected]

Check GCSKNIGHTS.COM for more athletic information.

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