Greenfield 08.30.2024

Principal’s Paragraph 

Dear Greenfield Families,

Growing up as a missionary kid, my family ministered to people all over the world. My dad would often remind us that we were on mission as the hands and feet of the Lord, sharing Christ with others everywhere we went. I can remember as young as 5 years old serving people food, sharing the gospel, and genuinely showing the love of Christ.  This mission mindset has carried over to the Greenfield campus.

As we prepare the next generation to impact the world for Christ,  we want to teach our students to have a heart that exemplifies what Matthew 25:40 says. ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”  At the Greenfield campus, we have an emphasis on serving organizations here in Arizona and around the world.  Throughout the year we will have various drives to collect items needed by specific ministries, Pay to Dress funds will be donated to some, and students will have the opportunity to go serve with some of these ministries.  

We invite you to partner with us in teaching and exemplifying to our students how to “Live on Mission” and be the hands and feet of Jesus.  Please begin to pray with us for the ministries listed below and be on the lookout for how you can participate with our Greenfield campus to be the “hands and feet of Jesus!”

AIM for Christ

Sunshine Acres Children’s Home


City Hope Arizona

Mission Ministries

Changing Focus Ministries

Operation Christmas Child


Impacting the world for Christ,


Pay to Dress: September 5 – Solids vs. Patterns

Mark your calendars for our first Pay to Dress Day on September 5.  This year we are having specific themes for each Pay to Dress Day. Our first one is solids vs. patterns.  Please click the link to sign up and pay. Any questions on the dress code, please see the handbook.  To pay for one or all Pay to Dress Days, please click HERE.


Patriot Day – Wednesday, September 11th 

Our annual Patriot Day is coming up on Wednesday, September 11th.  If you would like to host a station, please email Elisha Ferraro.  If you are a first responder joining for lunch, please RSVP using this form. If you are not a first responder but would like to show your appreciation, there are a few ways to get involved. Please click here to volunteer. 


24-25 Yearbook Information:

Purchase your yearbook today! $25 now through Dec.  Make sure to keep your receipt for your records. 

We need your pictures for the yearbook!  Please follow this link to upload pictures throughout the year.  

All students have the opportunity to show their school spirit by designing the cover for the 2024-2025 yearbook. One student’s entry will be chosen by a school wide vote for the front cover.  Multiple entries will be used on the back cover. 


Trail Life Launches This Month

Trail Life is a nation-wide ministry for men and boys, combining discipleship with outdoor adventure. Boys will participate in various activities during weekly meetings and “hit the trail” together for outdoor activities like hiking and camping. Meetings start the third weekend in September. To sign up, complete this form. If you have questions please email


Driveline Reminders

Practice the GF squeeze:  Close those gaps.  

When entering driveline, be sure to split into the two lanes.  Do not straddle between lanes. 


Dress Code Reminders

All hoodies, crew neck, zip ups, etc. have to be GCS in order to be worn on campus (Please review the handbook).  


Rooted in Prayer: Weekly every Tuesday at 8:05am 

If you are interested in joining us in-person or receiving a weekly email to pray with us at home please click here


Lunchroom Volunteer signup 

Please consider signing up to help in our lunchroom for Quarter 1! There are still some spots available!

Lunchroom Quarter 1 Volunteer Signup


Important Dates

September 2: Labor Day – no school

September 5: Pay to Dress – Solids vs. Patterns 

September 11: Patriot Day

September 16: Food Drive begins

September 23-27: Spirit Week (more details to come)

September 25-27: 7th grade signature trip @ UCYC


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