Dear Greenfield Families,
Navigating difficult situations or daily trials is not easy, but it is something that we are guaranteed in this life. I know as a parent, we would prefer to not see our children struggle or suffer, but it is so important that we know how to respond Biblically.
Here is a question for you as parents: How should we respond when our children are struggling or suffering? As with all things, we should seek wisdom from God’s Word.
- Ezekiel 18:4 says all souls are God’s, “Behold, all souls are mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine….” This is a hard concept to understand, our children do not belong to us; they belong to the Lord. God entrusted our kids to us, to steward them for the Lord because they are His possession.
- Proverbs 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Parents, it is clear! You have a responsibility: to train your children in the way of the Lord. This is not to be taken lightly.
The Bible speaks of giving an account of our lives, and this will include how we shepherd our children. Building perseverance is a linear progression and skipping steps does not produce the same result. Even God the Father saw Jesus’ suffering leading up to and on the cross, and did not intervene because he knew the suffering served a greater purpose—a sacrifice to save us from our sin and reconcile us to God.
As parents of grown kids I have watched my kids struggle and suffer, but I know that God is sovereign, and trust that these struggles and sufferings also have a greater purpose. Each of the experiences are ordained by God, used to refine and sanctify us, to draw us in, and to make us more like Him. The concept of allowing our children to struggle—for their own good—is counter-cultural. I challenge you to fully embrace the promises found in Romans 5:4-5 that “…suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame because God’s love has been poured into our hearts.” I pray that you can guide your children through difficult circumstances as a means to refining and sanctifying. Do not miss this growth opportunity. Do not be afraid of challenges or pain. Champion being resilient and be obedient to 1 Corinthians 7:17, “Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him.” You can rest knowing you are preparing your children to fulfill the call the Lord has upon their lives.
Suffering → Endurance → Character → Hope
Valentine’s Candy Grams:
Valentine Candy Grams are coming up on February 3-7! QR Code will be available at the Sales Table (front gate) for parents to access.
Cost will be $1 each.
Pay to Dress Day
Our next Pay to Dress Day is February 14th. The theme is Red vs. Pink. For $3, your child can dress in non-uniform clothing. All proceeds will go to City Hope and GCS Greenfield to help with events. No cash will be accepted. Please use the Link to Pay.
Principal’s List
Congratulations to each of the 6th-8th grade students who worked hard and received ALL A’s in Quarter 1 earning themselves a spot on the Principal’s List! Click Q2 Principal’s List 24-25 to see the names of those students.
Fry’s Community Rewards Program:
Do you shop at Fry’s Food Store? Sign up today for our Fry’s Community Rewards Program to benefit GCS Greenfield! Sign up HERE or log in on your app to sign up. Our school ID number is TD019. Any questions, please reach out to [email protected].
Order your book today! The cost of soft cover is $30 and hard cover is $35.
Important Dates:
February 1: Enchanted Forest-Daddy Daughter Dance
February 3-14: Valentine’s Candy Grams (more details to come)
February 14: Pay to Dress (Pink vs. Red – more details to follow)
February 17-18: Presidents Day/Professional Development – No School
February 20-21: Spring Individual Photos (more details to follow)
February 28: Spring Gala
Congratulations to both the softball team and the baseball team for qualifying for playoffs and having a win in the first round!
Cross Country will participate in the League Championship meet tomorrow, Feb 1, at Phoenix Country Day School. The boy’s race will begin at 9am and the girl’s at 9:30am. The Cross Country team has had a great season led by Coach Ford and they are looking forward to a strong finish Saturday.
Just a reminder that as the spring season approaches, Girl’s Basketball will host open gyms Mondays from 3:30-5pm and Boy’s Basketball on Thursdays from 3:30-4:30pm.
Tryouts for boy’s and girl’s basketball will begin the week of February 10th. Golf tryouts will be held February 24 & 25th at Bear Creek Golf Course.
If you have not already done so please do not forget to register your athletes for Spring Sports. The deadline to register is February 7th.
If you have any questions please contact Tara McIntire.Check GCSKNIGHTS.COM for more athletic information.