GCS makes every effort to provide teachers with high quality curriculum resources. The majority of our resources come from researched based textbook publishers written from a Biblical worldview. All other resources have been vetted and teachers have been trained how to use these resources while keeping a Biblical worldview as the foundation for learning.
Pre-K has 2 options for schedules: Mornings, 5 days a week OR Afternoons, 3 days a week.
Morning: Monday through Friday 8:00-11:00am
Half Days: 8:00-9:15am
Afternoon: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:45-2:45pm
Half days: 9:45-11:00am
Follow GCS School Calendar for No School days and half days.
ABC Jesus Loves Me (Licensed Version)
All content is presented within the context of the Bible as the ultimate truth.
Bible Stories
Circle Time
Literacy and math instruction through stories, songs, movement, poems, rhymes, questions, and calendar.
Motor Skills & Development
PreK students also attend PE once a week as a special.
Elementary Bible classes (K-5) are vertically aligned, emphasizing key themes: God’s story in the Bible, the truth of His Word, His love for all, and the need for saving faith in Jesus. Spiritual growth is encouraged through Christ-like behavior, evangelism, ministry, stewardship, and apologetics. Students develop essential disciplines of Bible study, prayer, and worship while learning and applying spiritual concepts. The overarching goal is to cultivate a Biblical worldview, enabling students to analyze life and engage with the world in love for God and others. Special lessons are included for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. The kindergarten grade-level focuses are: Study of the Old and New Testaments and Bible truths that emphasize God’s loving care.
English Language Arts
Elementary English Language Arts (ELA) is taught by homeroom teachers, following Arizona’s ELA Standards. Instruction encompasses reading, writing, language mechanics, spelling, speaking, and listening. Students develop a love for literature across genres while learning to analyze and evaluate texts through a biblical worldview. Differentiated reading groups provide targeted instruction, with phonics systematically taught from Kindergarten through early elementary grades. Vocabulary is taught in context, and fluent reading is practiced through silent and oral reading. Writing instruction covers various styles and purposes, while handwriting progresses from precursive to cursive. Spelling is reinforced through word studies, phonetics, and syllable patterns, equipping students to think, learn, and engage with the world through a biblical lens. The kindergarten grade-level focuses are: Learning to read, letters-sound association, phonograms, consonant teams, blending, syllables, sight words, consonant blends, plurals, compound words, completing sentence starters, letter formation, spacing, alignment, pencil hold, and comprehension development through: predicting outcomes, make inferences, sequencing events, developing vocabulary through reading context.
Kinder math classes are taught by the homeroom teacher using the same textbook and resources as our math specialists. Instruction follows Arizona Mathematics Standards at grade level, using hands-on learning, manipulatives, and real-life problem-solving to promote critical thinking and mathematical fluency. Lessons emphasize God as the Creator of order and math as a tool for wise stewardship of His creation. The kindergarten grade-level focuses are: counting skills (0-100), adding and subtracting, identifying and describing shapes, and understanding length and weight.
Social Studies
Elementary social studies is taught by the homeroom teacher, emphasizing God’s sovereignty in history, beginning with Genesis 1:1. Students evaluate primary and secondary sources, cultures, and events through a biblical worldview while developing foundational knowledge in geography, economics, history, government, and civics. Lessons foster a lifelong love of learning, valuing freedom, equality, and personal responsibility. Students are equipped to engage with and make informed decisions about the world through a biblical lens. The kindergarten grade-level focuses are: US landmarks, basic map skills, Native Americans and colonial life, families, community workers, Hispanic culture, Bible times, farming, and American celebrations.
All K-5 science follows the Next Generation Science Standards to prepare students for middle and high school through a hands-on format to allow students to interact with science. Every lesson is tackled from a Biblical worldview with a continual theme of God’s design throughout His creation, taught by elementary science specialists once per week. The kindergarten grade-level focuses are: Animal and Plant needs, Pushes and Pulls (Forces), and Weather.
Study Skills
Students learn independence when arriving at school by hanging up their backpack, putting out individual supplies, moving quietly between activities, and taking responsibility for completing individual work. In addition, they learn how to work with others and problem solve.
Elementary Bible classes (K-5) are vertically aligned, emphasizing key themes: God’s story in the Bible, the truth of His Word, His love for all, and the need for saving faith in Jesus. Spiritual growth is encouraged through Christ-like behavior, evangelism, ministry, stewardship, and apologetics. Students develop essential disciplines of Bible study, prayer, and worship while learning and applying spiritual concepts. The overarching goal is to cultivate a Biblical worldview, enabling students to analyze life and engage with the world in love for God and others. Special lessons are included for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. The 1st grade-level focuses are: Study of the Old and New Testament and Bible truths that emphasize God’s relationship to people.
English Language Arts
Elementary English Language Arts (ELA) is taught by homeroom teachers, following Arizona’s ELA Standards. Instruction encompasses reading, writing, language mechanics, spelling, speaking, and listening. Students develop a love for literature across genres while learning to analyze and evaluate texts through a biblical worldview. Differentiated reading groups provide targeted instruction, with phonics systematically taught from Kindergarten through early elementary grades. Vocabulary is taught in context, and fluent reading is practiced through silent and oral reading. Writing instruction covers various styles and purposes, while handwriting progresses from precursive to cursive. Spelling is reinforced through word studies, phonetics, and syllable patterns, equipping students to think, learn, and engage with the world through a biblical lens. The 1st grade-level focuses are: Learning to read, continue phonemic awareness and phonics instruction started in Kindergarten with instruction in syllable types and developing word recognition skills, syllable division, prefixes, suffixes, and suffix rules, sentence features, capitalization, punctuation, and parts of speech, reading fluency practice, beginning skills in main ideas/details, author’s craft/text structure and character analysis, and writing with complete thoughts and sentence order.
Elementary math classes are taught by specialized math instructors who visit homerooms daily. Instruction follows Arizona Mathematics Standards at grade level, using hands-on learning, manipulatives, and real-life problem-solving to promote critical thinking and mathematical fluency. Lessons emphasize God as the Creator of order and math as a tool for wise stewardship of His creation. The 1st grade-level focuses are: addition and subtraction story problems, place value, comparing numbers, measurement (ordering and comparison), telling time, graphs and data, and identifying shapes with attributes.
Social Studies
Elementary social studies is taught by the homeroom teacher, emphasizing God’s sovereignty in history, beginning with Genesis 1:1. Students evaluate primary and secondary sources, cultures, and events through a biblical worldview while developing foundational knowledge in geography, economics, history, government, and civics. Lessons foster a lifelong love of learning, valuing freedom, equality, and personal responsibility. Students are equipped to engage with and make informed decisions about the world through a biblical lens. The 1st grade-level focuses are: family, community, jobs, land, and the United States, an overview and broad foundation for future grades studies from Native Americans and the colonies to present day, continents and oceans, globe and may reading skills, time (past, present, future), laws, justice, elections, rights, and wants/needs.
All K-5 science follows the Next Generation Science Standards to prepare students for middle and high school through a hands-on format to allow students to interact with science. Every lesson is tackled from a Biblical worldview with a continual theme of God’s design throughout His creation, taught by elementary science specialists once per week. The 1st grade-level focuses are: Plant and Animal Traits, Sky and Space Patterns, and Sound and Light.
Study Skills
First grade students continue to develop independence by taking responsibility for their own belongings, instructional materials, and homework. They continue to develop respect and responsibility as they transition between subjects and complete work diligently.
Elementary Bible classes (K-5) are vertically aligned, emphasizing key themes: God’s story in the Bible, the truth of His Word, His love for all, and the need for saving faith in Jesus. Spiritual growth is encouraged through Christ-like behavior, evangelism, ministry, stewardship, and apologetics. Students develop essential disciplines of Bible study, prayer, and worship while learning and applying spiritual concepts. The overarching goal is to cultivate a Biblical worldview, enabling students to analyze life and engage with the world in love for God and others. Special lessons are included for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. The 2nd grade-level focuses are: Study of the Old and New Testament and Study of character traits of various people in the Bible.
English Language Arts
Elementary English Language Arts (ELA) is taught by homeroom teachers, following Arizona’s ELA Standards. Instruction encompasses reading, writing, language mechanics, spelling, speaking, and listening. Students develop a love for literature across genres while learning to analyze and evaluate texts through a biblical worldview. Differentiated reading groups provide targeted instruction, with phonics systematically taught from Kindergarten through early elementary grades. Vocabulary is taught in context, and fluent reading is practiced through silent and oral reading. Writing instruction covers various styles and purposes, while handwriting progresses from precursive to cursive. Spelling is reinforced through word studies, phonetics, and syllable patterns, equipping students to think, learn, and engage with the world through a biblical lens. The 2nd grade-level focuses are: read to learn, reteach and review phonics as needed, syllable study, parts of speech, sentence parts and structure (i.e.fragments, run-on, combining sentences, etc), conventions in writing (i.e. capitalization and punctuation), paragraph development and the writing process, writing in response to reading, comprehending on the literal, interpretative, critical, and appreciative level, reading a large variety of genres and analyzing text structures, and author’s purpose and word choice.
Elementary math classes are taught by specialized math instructors who visit homerooms daily. Instruction follows Arizona Mathematics Standards at grade level, using hands-on learning, manipulatives, and real-life problem-solving to promote critical thinking and mathematical fluency. Lessons emphasize God as the Creator of order and math as a tool for wise stewardship of His creation. The 2nd grade-level focuses are: two step addition and subtraction story problems, beginning understanding of multiplication and division, place value up to the hundreds place, measurements, 2D and 3D shapes, money, and comparing numbers.
Social Studies
Elementary social studies is taught by the homeroom teacher, emphasizing God’s sovereignty in history, beginning with Genesis 1:1. Students evaluate primary and secondary sources, cultures, and events through a biblical worldview while developing foundational knowledge in geography, economics, history, government, and civics. Lessons foster a lifelong love of learning, valuing freedom, equality, and personal responsibility. Students are equipped to engage with and make informed decisions about the world through a biblical lens. The 2nd grade-level focuses are: Development and changes within communities, purpose and levels of government, Bill of Rights, citizenship, goods/services, supply/demand, trading between countries, and American culture: core values, immigrants, sharing culture.
All K-5 science follows the Next Generation Science Standards to prepare students for middle and high school through a hands-on format to allow students to interact with science. Every lesson is tackled from a Biblical worldview with a continual theme of God’s design throughout His creation, taught by elementary science specialists twice per week. The 2nd grade-level focuses are: Plant and Animal Habitats and survival, Materials and their uses, and Earth Surfaces.
Study Skills
Students in second grade begin to learn higher levels of accountability in their school work. Writing down some homework assignments in their planner, securing parent initials, working at their desks independently, tracking test dates and important school events, and meeting homework deadlines are some of the emphasized skills at this grade level.
Elementary Bible classes (K-5) are vertically aligned, emphasizing key themes: God’s story in the Bible, the truth of His Word, His love for all, and the need for saving faith in Jesus. Spiritual growth is encouraged through Christ-like behavior, evangelism, ministry, stewardship, and apologetics. Students develop essential disciplines of Bible study, prayer, and worship while learning and applying spiritual concepts. The overarching goal is to cultivate a Biblical worldview, enabling students to analyze life and engage with the world in love for God and others. Special lessons are included for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. The 3rd grade-level focuses are: Study emphasis in the New Testament and Studies in: the life of Christ, the early Church, missions from the time of Paul until present.
English Language Arts
Elementary English Language Arts (ELA) is taught by homeroom teachers, following Arizona’s ELA Standards. Instruction encompasses reading, writing, language mechanics, spelling, speaking, and listening. Students develop a love for literature across genres while learning to analyze and evaluate texts through a biblical worldview. Differentiated reading groups provide targeted instruction, with phonics systematically taught from Kindergarten through early elementary grades. Vocabulary is taught in context, and fluent reading is practiced through silent and oral reading. Writing instruction covers various styles and purposes, while handwriting progresses from precursive to cursive. Spelling is reinforced through word studies, phonetics, and syllable patterns, equipping students to think, learn, and engage with the world through a biblical lens. The 3rd grade-level focuses are: Study and reference skills, reading a variety of genres and purposes to analyze text for understanding, specific information, biblical truth, or author’s purpose, vocabulary development through context and word usage, study of book parts, reading strategies of skimming and scanning, silent and oral reading, and writing of various genres and for a variety of purposes.
Elementary math classes are taught by specialized math instructors who visit homerooms daily. Instruction follows Arizona Mathematics Standards at grade level, using hands-on learning, manipulatives, and real-life problem-solving to promote critical thinking and mathematical fluency. Lessons emphasize God as the Creator of order and math as a tool for wise stewardship of His creation. The 3rd grade-level focuses are: multiplication and division story problems, adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers, comparing and ordering fractions, area and perimeter, and sorting and classifying shapes.
Social Studies
Elementary social studies is taught by the homeroom teacher, emphasizing God’s sovereignty in history, beginning with Genesis 1:1. Students evaluate primary and secondary sources, cultures, and events through a biblical worldview while developing foundational knowledge in geography, economics, history, government, and civics. Lessons foster a lifelong love of learning, valuing freedom, equality, and personal responsibility. Students are equipped to engage with and make informed decisions about the world through a biblical lens. The 3rd grade-level focuses are: Biblical worldview of geography, Earth’s physical features, Interconnections between world regions, trade/currencie, indigenous customs, food, clothing, and Christianity.
All K-5 science follows the Next Generation Science Standards to prepare students for middle and high school through a hands-on format to allow students to interact with science. Every lesson is tackled from a Biblical worldview with a continual theme of God’s design throughout His creation, taught by elementary science specialists twice per week. The 3rd grade-level focuses are: Plant and Animal Environments: traits and behaviors, Extreme Weather, and Forces and Motion.
Study Skills
Students in third grade begin to learn higher levels of accountability in their school work to prepare them for the independence required of them beginning in fourth grade. Writing down homework assignments in their planner on their own, securing parent initials, working at their desks independently, and managing their time to meet homework deadlines without being reminded are some of the emphasized skills at this grade level.
Elementary Bible classes (K-5) are vertically aligned, emphasizing key themes: God’s story in the Bible, the truth of His Word, His love for all, and the need for saving faith in Jesus. Spiritual growth is encouraged through Christ-like behavior, evangelism, ministry, stewardship, and apologetics. Students develop essential disciplines of Bible study, prayer, and worship while learning and applying spiritual concepts. The overarching goal is to cultivate a Biblical worldview, enabling students to analyze life and engage with the world in love for God and others. Special lessons are included for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. The 4th grade-level focuses are: Study emphasis in the New Testament and Studies in the basic doctrines of the Church.
English Language Arts
Elementary English Language Arts (ELA) is taught by homeroom teachers, following Arizona’s ELA Standards. Instruction encompasses reading, writing, language mechanics, spelling, speaking, and listening. Students develop a love for literature across genres while learning to analyze and evaluate texts through a biblical worldview. Vocabulary is taught in context, and fluent reading is practiced through silent and oral reading. Writing instruction covers various styles and purposes, while handwriting progresses from precursive to cursive. Spelling is reinforced through word studies, phonetics, and syllable patterns, equipping students to think, learn, and engage with the world through a biblical lens. The 4th grade-level focuses are: Study and reference skills, reading a variety of genres and purposes to analyze text for understanding, specific information, biblical truth, or author’s purpose, vocabulary development through context and word usage, study of book parts, reading strategies of skimming and scanning, silent and oral reading, and writing of various genres and for a variety of purposes.
Elementary math classes are taught by specialized math instructors who visit homerooms daily. Instruction follows Arizona Mathematics Standards at grade level, using hands-on learning, manipulatives, and real-life problem-solving to promote critical thinking and mathematical fluency. Lessons emphasize God as the Creator of order and math as a tool for wise stewardship of His creation. The 4th grade-level focuses are: multiplying multi digit numbers, dividing 2 digit by 1 digit numbers, comparing and rounding multi digit numbers, and solving problems with fractions and decimals.
Elementary history is taught by the homeroom teacher, emphasizing God’s sovereignty in history, beginning with Genesis 1:1. Students evaluate primary and secondary sources, cultures, and events through a biblical worldview while developing foundational knowledge in geography, economics, history, government, and civics. Lessons foster a lifelong love of learning, valuing freedom, equality, and personal responsibility. Students are equipped to engage with and make informed decisions about the world through a biblical lens. The 4th grade-level focuses are: Arizona history, early people, explorers, westward expansion, effects of Civil War, WWI, Great Depression, and WWII.
All K-5 science follows the Next Generation Science Standards to prepare students for middle and high school through a hands-on format to allow students to interact with science. Every lesson is tackled from a Biblical worldview with a continual theme of God’s design throughout His creation, taught by elementary science specialists twice per week. The 4th grade-level focuses are: Human Machine, The Birth of Rocks, Waves of Sound, and Energizing Everything.
Study Skills
The world has evolved an interpersonal dynamic that we want ensure students are prepared to face when they move into adulthood. The acts of listening, presenting ideas, resolving conflict, and fostering an open and honest environment all come down to knowing how to build and maintain relationships with people, something we are all called to do as Christians. It’s those relationships that allow people to participate fully in team projects, show appreciation for others, and enlist support for themselves and others. In the fourth grade, the following skills are developed within a Christian worldview:
All these skills have a significant impact on how a person interacts with others. The more loving and honoring that person’s attitude is, the better that person’s relationships will be. God gave us the plan: to love others as He loves us… fostering great team performance, and leading to students who contribute to the classroom.
Elementary Bible classes (K-5) are vertically aligned, emphasizing key themes: God’s story in the Bible, the truth of His Word, His love for all, and the need for saving faith in Jesus. Spiritual growth is encouraged through Christ-like behavior, evangelism, ministry, stewardship, and apologetics. Students develop essential disciplines of Bible study, prayer, and worship while learning and applying spiritual concepts. The overarching goal is to cultivate a Biblical worldview, enabling students to analyze life and engage with the world in love for God and others. Special lessons are included for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. The 5th grade-level focuses are: Study in the Old Testament and Emphasis on choices and their consequences.
English Language Arts
Elementary English Language Arts (ELA) is taught by homeroom teachers, following Arizona’s ELA Standards. Instruction encompasses reading, writing, language mechanics, spelling, speaking, and listening. Students develop a love for literature across genres while learning to analyze and evaluate texts through a biblical worldview. Vocabulary is taught in context, and fluent reading is practiced through silent and oral reading. Writing instruction covers various styles and purposes, while handwriting progresses from precursive to cursive. The 5th grade-level focuses are: Study and reference skills, reading a variety of genres and purposes to analyze text for understanding, specific information, biblical truth, or author’s purpose, vocabulary development through context and word usage, study of book parts, reading strategies of skimming and scanning, silent and oral reading, and writing of various genres and for a variety of purposes.
Elementary math classes are taught by specialized math instructors who visit homerooms daily. Instruction follows Arizona Mathematics Standards at grade level, using hands-on learning, manipulatives, and real-life problem-solving to promote critical thinking and mathematical fluency. Lessons emphasize God as the Creator of order and math as a tool for wise stewardship of His creation. The 5th grade-level focuses are: division with 2 and 3 digit numbers, adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators, solving equations with decimals to hundredths, graphing on a coordinate plane, and converting measurements within a given system.
Elementary history is taught by the homeroom teacher, emphasizing God’s sovereignty in history, beginning with Genesis 1:1. Students evaluate primary and secondary sources, cultures, and events through a biblical worldview while developing foundational knowledge in geography, economics, history, government, and civics. Lessons foster a lifelong love of learning, valuing freedom, equality, and personal responsibility. Students are equipped to engage with and make informed decisions about the world through a biblical lens. The 5th grade-level focuses are: Chronological study of US History from the Colonial Period to Present, roles of the three branches of government, stock market, supply/demand, varying religious customs, and map reading skills.
All K-5 science follows the Next Generation Science Standards to prepare students for middle and high school through a hands-on format to allow students to interact with science. Every lesson is tackled from a Biblical worldview with a continual theme of God’s design throughout His creation, taught by elementary science specialists twice per week. The 5th grade-level focuses are: Web of Life, Watery Planet, Spaceship Earth, and Chemicals.
Study Skills
The world has evolved an interpersonal dynamic that we want to ensure students are prepared to face when they move into adulthood. The acts of listening, presenting ideas, resolving conflict, and fostering an open and honest environment all come down to knowing how to build and maintain relationships with people, something we are all called to do as Christians. It’s those relationships that allow people to participate fully in team projects, show appreciation for others, and enlist support for themselves and others. In the fifth grade, the following skills are developed within a Christian worldview:
All these skills have a significant impact on how a person interacts with others. The more loving and honoring that person’s attitude is, the better that person’s relationships will be. God gave us the plan: to love others as He loves us… fostering great team performance, and leading to students who contribute to the classroom.
Pre-K has 2 options for schedules: Mornings, 5 days a week OR Afternoons, 3 days a week.
Morning: Monday through Friday 8:00-11:00am
Half Days: 8:00-9:15am
Afternoon: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:45-2:45pm
Half days: 9:45-11:00am
Follow GCS School Calendar for No School days and half days.
ABC Jesus Loves Me (Licensed Version)
All content is presented within the context of the Bible as the ultimate truth.
Bible Stories
Circle Time
Literacy and math instruction through stories, songs, movement, poems, rhymes, questions, and calendar.
Motor Skills & Development
PreK students also attend PE once a week as a special.
Bible – Old and New Testament Overview
We use Purposeful Design Bible curriculum which teaches the Old and New Testament in order to understand the full scope and sequence of God’s salvation story. The Bible lessons include memory verses, worship songs, and activities. We also use The Complete Illustrated Children’s Bible to compliment our lessons. The teacher and children pray together daily about individual, family, and Kingdom matters.
English Language Arts
For Grammar, we use the KinderGrammar curriculum, in which we learn parts of speech, grammar rules, and sentence structure. Students then utilize this knowledge in writing using the KinderWriting curriculum. KinderWriting is a genre-based curriculum guiding students to write through pictures, sentences, stories, and six genres forms of writing. Emphasis is on learning the letters of the alphabet and their sounds. Getty-Dubay Italic, KinderGrammar and KinderWriting
Our reading program is published by All About Reading. In level 1, GCS kindergarten students will learn exciting new concepts, including letter sounds, phonograms, consonant teams, blending, syllables, sight words, consonant blends, plurals, compound words, and much more. Students also learn the first 100 Fry sight words. Learn More: All About Reading
The Bridges Math curriculum builds critical thinking skills, fosters collaboration, and helps students develop a deeper understanding of WHY we do what we do in Math. In addition to the typical math lessons, students will practice their skills during a daily Number Corner time with their classroom teacher. In Kindergarten, students learn counting skills, adding and subtracting, identifying and describing shapes, understanding length and weight, and more. Learn More: Bridges Math
Social Studies
Students learn about community workers, needs vs. wants, American symbols, basic map skills, and Arizona. In addition, students learn about the significance of various national holidays such as Presidents’ Day, Thanksgiving, Martin Luther King Day, and more.
All K-5 science is using the Mystery Science curriculum. This means that all K-5 science is following the NGSS standards. This is to prepare them for middle school and high school science. The GCS elementary science teachers include/modify this curriculum for a Biblical worldview. Emphasis is on experiencing science in an exciting hands-on format. The goal is for the hearts and minds of the students to be filled with wonder at the works of God. Topics covered are Animal and Plant needs, Pushes and Pulls (Forces) and Weather. Learn More: Mystery Science
Study Skills
Students learn independence when arriving at school by hanging up their backpack, putting out individual supplies, moving quietly between activities, and taking responsibility for completing individual work. In addition, they learn how to work with others and problem solve.
Bible – Old and New Testament
We use Purposeful Design Bible curriculum which teaches the Old and New Testament in order to understand the full scope and sequence of God’s salvation story. The Bible lessons include memory verses, worship songs, and activities. As a compliment to the lessons, First grade teachers read from The Child’s Story Bible by Catherine Vos. It emphasizes Jesus and His gospel as central to God’s plan from the beginning to end of the Word. Additionally, Students read from The American Bible Society’s Read and Learn Bible to facilitate the habit and ownership of personal Bible reading. Finally, The teacher and children pray together daily about individual, family, and Kingdom matters
English Language Arts
The Shurley English curriculum has assembled a unique combination of features and strategies to provide for student success in grammar, phonics, spelling skills, writing, and reading. These features are logically, sequentially, and systematically woven into the curriculum to provide a solid foundation for lifetime literacy. Students learn to love language and writing. In addition, through the Getty-Dubay Italic program, students will learn how to write clearly and beautifully for God’s glory in Italic print manuscript handwriting. Learn More: Getty-Dubay Italic and Shurley English
Our reading program is published by All About Reading. In first grade, most will begin the program in level 2, where students will learn three-letter blends, the jobs of Silent E, new phonograms, and methods for decoding multisyllabic words. In level 3, students will build on previously learned concepts to establish a firm foundation for a lifetime of learning. Every component of reading is taught: decoding (phonics and structural analysis), vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Learn More: All About Reading
For elementary students, the Bridges Math curriculum is taught by math specialists, teachers who have received in depth training on and focus solely on teaching math. The Bridges Math curriculum builds critical thinking skills, fosters collaboration, and helps students develop a deeper understanding of WHY we do what we do in Math. In addition to the typical math lessons with the math specialists, students will practice their skills during a daily Number Corner time with their classroom teacher. In First Grade, students will learn addition and subtraction story problems, place value, comparing numbers, measurement, telling time, graphs and data, and more. Learn More: Bridges Math
Social Studies
Students will be learning about their place in God’s great creation in both time and space. We will explore maps and mapping as we learn about our solar system, earth, continents and oceans, country, state, city, and school. Students learn about the significance of various national holidays and American symbols as well as the basic history that has shaped where we are now in HIS story. Learn More: Heritage Studies
At Gilbert Christian Schools, students receive science instruction in a hands-on, highly interactive science lab format. Students attend “science lab” as one of their weekly specials. Our curriculum engages students in investigating, observing, and thinking about the created world. It weaves the wonders of creation and a biblical worldview into weekly science instruction. Our science program has a continual theme that runs throughout the curriculum: God’s design throughout His creation. Topics include: Plant and Animal Traits, Sky and Space Patterns, Sound and Light. Learn More: Mystery Science
Study Skills
First grade students continue to develop independence by taking responsibility for their own belongings, instructional materials, and homework. They continue to develop respect and responsibility as they transition between subjects and complete work diligently.
Students read and apply God’s truth according to the Bible. In the second grade, we use materials from Purposeful Design to help students learn about the Bible. For the first semester, we study various character traits of Old Testament people like Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Ruth, David, Job, and some of the prophets. During the second semester, we study the life of Jesus as well as Peter and Paul. Life application lessons and fun activities are woven into each story. We take time to read in the New Testament as we focus on the Birth of Christ at Christmas and the Crucifixion at Easter. Students will also memorize scripture throughout the year as a class, focusing on the following longer passages of scripture throughout the year: 1 Corinthians 13 and Philippians 2:1-11.
English Language Arts
The Shurley English curriculum is comprehensive and designed to help students develop a mastery of English and grammar as they learn to read with comprehension and write clearly across multiple genres. Students will also learn how to collaborate with their peers to revise and edit their compositions. In addition, through the Getty-Dubay Italic program, students will learn how to write clearly and beautifully for God’s glory in Italic print manuscript and cursive handwriting. Learn More: Getty-Dubay Italic and Shurley English
Students are placed in reading groups which will meet with the teacher daily to work on reading skills through the All About Reading curriculum. The purpose of All About Reading is to teach students how to learn to read so that when they finish the program, they can read to learn. By second grade, many students will be in level 3 or 4, and most of those students will finish the program! If the program isn’t completed in second grade, then it will be completed in third grade. In addition to All About Reading, students will participate in Group Literature studies, which helps teach students literary concepts and themes while promoting a real love of reading. These studies are all based on biographies to give students exposure to nonfiction writing. Reading nonfiction allows students to learn more technical vocabulary. Learn More: All About Reading
For elementary students, the Bridges Math curriculum is taught by math specialists, teachers who have received in depth training on and focus solely on teaching math. The Bridges Math curriculum builds critical thinking skills, fosters collaboration, and helps students develop a deeper understanding of WHY we do what we do in Math. In addition to the typical math lessons with the math specialists, students will practice their skills during a daily Number Corner time with their classroom teacher. In Second Grade, students will learn two step addition and subtraction story problems, place value up to the hundreds place, measurements, 2D and 3D shapes, money, comparing numbers, and more. Learn More: Bridges Math
Social Studies
In second grade, students study significant events and influential people from U.S. history, in addition to Map Skills, Native Americans, Civics, U.S. Symbols, and Economics. With each of these units, students create interactive notebooks. Learn More: Biographical Studies, Heritage Studies
At Gilbert Christian Schools, students receive science instruction beginning in kindergarten in a hands-on, highly interactive science lab format. In fact, during the elementary years, students attend “science lab” as one of their weekly specials! Our curriculum engages students in investigating, observing, and thinking about the created world. It weaves the wonders of creation and a biblical worldview into weekly science instruction. Our science program has a continual theme that runs throughout the curriculum: God’s design throughout His creation. Topics include: Plant and Animal Habitats and survival, Materials and their uses, Earth Surfaces. Learn More: Mystery Science
Study Skills
Students in second grade begin to learn higher levels of accountability in their school work. Writing down some homework assignments in their planner, securing parent initials, working at their desks independently, tracking test dates and important school events, and meeting homework deadlines are some of the emphasized skills at this grade level.
Bible – Old Testament – Ruth through Malachi
Students read and apply God’s truth according to the Bible. In the third grade, we use materials from Purposeful Design to help students learn about the Bible. For the first semester, we study the early life of Jesus and his ministry including topics such as The Beatitudes, “I Am” statements, and forgiving. During the second semester, we continue our study of the life of Jesus as well as focusing on the Holy Spirit, the apostles, the ministry of Paul, and The Great Commission. Life application lessons and fun activities are woven into each story. Students will also memorize scripture throughout the year as a class, focusing on the following longer passages of scripture throughout the year: Genesis 3:1-15 and Matthew 18:21-35.
English Language Arts
The Shurley English curriculum has assembled a unique combination of features and strategies to provide for student success in grammar, phonics, spelling skills, writing, and reading. These features are logically, sequentially, and systematically woven into the curriculum to provide a solid foundation for lifetime literacy. Students learn to love language and writing. In addition, through the Getty-Dubay Italic program, students will learn how to write clearly and beautifully for God’s glory in Italic cursive handwriting. Learn More: Getty-Dubay Italic and Shurley English
The goal of our reading program is to produce students that read both fiction and non-fiction texts with understanding and clarity. Our multifaceted program includes Shurley English, which teaches phonemic awareness, spelling, vocabulary, and writing skills that support reading fluency. All About Reading provides students with edifying readers to practice their decoding, comprehension, and fluency. Students are placed in flexible reading groups so that skills can be built systematically while still allowing for differences in growth. In addition, the MosDos curriculum allows children to participate in rich literary discussions and analysis, simultaneously building a love for reading while also practicing vital reading and critical thinking skills. Learn More: Shurley English, MosDos, and All About Reading
For elementary students, the Bridges Math curriculum is taught by math specialists, teachers who have received in depth training on and focus solely on teaching math. The Bridges Math curriculum builds critical thinking skills, fosters collaboration, and helps students develop a deeper understanding of WHY we do what we do in Math. In addition to the typical math lessons with the math specialists, students will practice their skills during a daily Number Corner time with their classroom teacher. In Third Grade, students will learn multiplication and division story problems, adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers, comparing and ordering fractions, area and perimeter, sorting and classifying shapes, and more. Learn More: Bridges Math
Social Studies
At GCS, we strive to always remind students that history is a study of “His Story”. Through the American Heritage Studies curriculum, students embark on a journey through American history from the framing of the Constitution through adventures in the Wild West all through a Biblical worldview lens. Students learn to evaluate problems and propose solutions with a Biblical worldview while learning social studies skills such as organizing information in chronological order, discerning connections between events, map reading skills, and more. Students will also learn study and note taking skills that include the use of “T-Notes”. Learn More: American Heritage Studies
At Gilbert Christian Schools, students receive science instruction beginning in kindergarten in a hands-on, highly interactive science lab format. In fact, during the elementary years, students attend “science lab” as one of their weekly specials! Our curriculum engages students in investigating, observing, and thinking about the created world. It weaves the wonders of creation and a biblical worldview into weekly science instruction. Our science program has a continual theme that runs throughout the curriculum: God’s design throughout His creation. Topics include: Plant and Animal Environments, traits and behaviors, Extreme Weather and Forces and Motion. Learn More: Mystery Science
Study Skills
Students in third grade begin to learn higher levels of accountability in their school work to prepare them for the independence required of them beginning in fourth grade. Writing down homework assignments in their planner on their own, securing parent initials, working at their desks independently, and managing their time to meet homework deadlines without being reminded are some of the emphasized skills at this grade level.
Bible – John
At Gilbert Christian Elementary School, Jesus is spoken of, and spoken to through prayer all day long. Lessons from scripture are naturally integrated into everything we teach and do. In addition, to delve even deeper into God’s Word, teachers also lead a daily Bible class. In fourth grade, we use materials from Purposeful Design to help students learn about the Bible, the attributes of God, sin, salvation, and other topics. In addition, students memorize scripture verses that fit with the various lessons being taught.
English Language Arts
The Shurley English curriculum has assembled a unique combination of features and strategies to provide for student success in grammar, phonics, spelling skills, writing, and reading. These features are logically, sequentially, and systematically woven into the curriculum to provide a solid foundation for lifetime literacy. Students learn to love language and writing. In addition, through the Getty-Dubay Italic program, students will learn how to write clearly and beautifully for God’s glory in Italic cursive handwriting. Learn More: Getty-Dubay Italic and Shurley English
Students study short stories, poetry, drama, and nonfiction through Mosdos Press – Ruby Edition, chosen as a curriculum since it builds intellectually challenging literature courses with positive moral values. Students will see the full range of literary works, and selections include vocabulary studies, background on the author, and analytical questions. Students utilize graphic organizers, vocabulary activities, and comprehension questions to build comprehension of the selections. Non-fiction literary skills are enhanced through Readworks passages. We teach children to merge their thinking with strategies they will learn, understand, and remember, helping them to become deep analyzers of texts of every genre. Learn More: MosDos
For elementary students, the Bridges Math curriculum is taught by math specialists, teachers who have received in depth training on and focus solely on teaching math. The Bridges Math curriculum builds critical thinking skills, fosters collaboration, and helps students develop a deeper understanding of WHY we do what we do in Math. In addition to the typical math lessons with the math specialists, students will practice their skills during a daily Number Corner time with their classroom teacher. In Fourth Grade, students will learn multiplying multi digit numbers, dividing 2 digit by 1 digit numbers, comparing and rounding multi digit numbers, solving problems with fractions and decimals, using formulas to solve geometry problems, measuring and drawing angles using protractors, and more. Learn More: Bridges Math
Social Studies
The Arizona Story curriculum teaches about the history of our amazing home state, including topics such as the early people, explorers, and westward expansion. Students also learn about how Arizona was affected by major events such as the Civil War, World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II. Most importantly, students learn how history is God’s story and how He has been faithful throughout history. To study these topics more in depth, we take field trips to Casa Grande to learn more about the early people, the Capitol building to learn more about government, and Usery Mountain to see the Arizona landscape and wildlife. Learn More: The Arizona Story
4th Grade science uses the Mystery Science curriculum that aligns with the Next Generation Standards. All content is taught through a biblical worldview and allows us to interact with science, as it should be taught, through God’s word. Each lesson contains an explore and activity section. We learn about a concept and then complete an engaging activity or experiment to accompany the content. The four units are: Human Machine, The Birth of Rocks, Waves of Sound and Energizing Everything. Learn More: Mystery Science
Study Skills
The world has evolved an interpersonal dynamic that we want ensure students are prepared to face when they move into adulthood. The acts of listening, presenting ideas, resolving conflict, and fostering an open and honest environment all come down to knowing how to build and maintain relationships with people, something we are all called to do as Christians. It’s those relationships that allow people to participate fully in team projects, show appreciation for others, and enlist support for themselves and others. In the fourth grade, the following skills are developed within a Christian worldview:
All these skills have a significant impact on how a person interacts with others. The more loving and honoring that person’s attitude is, the better that person’s relationships will be. God gave us the plan: to love others as He loves us… fostering great team performance, and leading to students who contribute to the classroom.
At Gilbert Christian Elementary School, Jesus is spoken of, and spoken to through prayer all day long. Lessons from scripture are naturally integrated into everything we teach and do. In addition, to delve even deeper into God’s Word, teachers also lead a daily Bible class. Also, children participate in a topical scripture memory program. In our Bible classes, the Bible itself is our primary text. In 5th grade, we use the Purposeful Design Elementary Bible series which helps students to develop a Christian worldview. This year’s course study will focus on the Old Testament specifically emphasizing choices and their consequences.
English Language Arts
The Shurley English curriculum has assembled a unique combination of features and strategies to provide for student success in grammar, phonics, vocabulary, writing, and reading. These features are logically, sequentially, and systematically woven into the curriculum to provide a solid foundation for lifetime literacy. Students learn to love language and writing. In addition, through the Getty-Dubay Italic program, students will learn how to write clearly and beautifully for God’s glory in Italic cursive handwriting. Learn More: Getty-Dubay Italic and Shurley English
Students study short stories, poetry, drama, and nonfiction through Mosdos Press – Coral Edition, chosen as a curriculum since it builds intellectually challenging literature courses with positive moral values. Students will see the full range of literary works, and selections include vocabulary studies, background on the author, and analytical questions. Students utilize graphic organizers, vocabulary activities, and comprehension questions to build comprehension of the selections. Nonfiction text is used from a variety of sources to build background knowledge for stories and in history. We teach children to merge their thinking with strategies they will learn, understand, and remember, helping them to become deep analyzers of texts of every genre. We also do group book studies/read alouds. Individual books are read as well, and book reports/projects expose students to a variety of genres. Learn More: MosDos
For elementary students, the Bridges Math curriculum is taught by math specialists, teachers who have received in depth training on and focus solely on teaching math. The Bridges Math curriculum builds critical thinking skills, fosters collaboration, and helps students develop a deeper understanding of WHY we do what we do in Math. In addition to the typical math lessons with the math specialists, students will practice their skills during a daily Number Corner time with their classroom teacher. In Fifth Grade, students will learn division with 2 and 3 digit numbers, adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators, solving equations with decimals, graphing on a coordinate plane, and more. Learn More: Bridges Math
Social Studies
Our high-interest, inspiring, narrative approach to history brings to life famous people, major events, and the Christian principles that made America great, from the Colonial Period to the Age of Progress. The outstanding visual features of the Abeka Press make the student’s first formal study of United States history positive, and enjoyable. Important geographical facts and historical documents that should be given special attention throughout the year are highlighted. It’s history from a Christian worldview. In addition, students memorize all of the presidents in order. History is integrated with composition during a research project. Learn More: Abeka
5th Grade science uses the Mystery Science curriculum that aligns with the Next Generation Standards. All content is taught through a biblical worldview and allows us to interact with science, as it should be taught, through God’s word. Each lesson contains an explore and activity section. We learn about a concept and then complete an engaging activity or experiment to accompany the content. The four units are: Web of Life, Watery Planet, Spaceship Earth and Chemicals. Learn More: Mystery Science
Study Skills
The world has evolved an interpersonal dynamic that we want to ensure students are prepared to face when they move into adulthood. The acts of listening, presenting ideas, resolving conflict, and fostering an open and honest environment all come down to knowing how to build and maintain relationships with people, something we are all called to do as Christians. It’s those relationships that allow people to participate fully in team projects, show appreciation for others, and enlist support for themselves and others. In the fifth grade, the following skills are developed within a Christian worldview:
All these skills have a significant impact on how a person interacts with others. The more loving and honoring that person’s attitude is, the better that person’s relationships will be. God gave us the plan: to love others as He loves us… fostering great team performance, and leading to students who contribute to the classroom.
Please click the button to pay fees for any lost, stolen, or destroyed GCS curriculum items.
Tuition covers ALL classroom supplies, as well as instruments, for Grades 1-3 only.
Most supplies are included in tuition for Grades 4-12, except for the following items:
Math Calculators
Pre-Algebra: Casio FX-300ES, Casio FX-115ES or TI-30XIIS
Algebra 1 and higher: TI-84
P.E. Combination Locks
High School: It is highly recommended to purchase a combination lock for locker rooms. It is the students’ responsibility if items are lost.
7th & 8th Grade: Students are issued school purchased combination locks and asked only to use them for their assigned lockers. We do not allow students to use their personal locks on their P.E. lockers.
Bibles (Translations):
6th-12th Grade: Students should purchase their own Bible. ESV is suggested, but NASB is also perfectly acceptable.
Other Grades: Bibles are provided.
Instrument Rentals:
Required for Strings, Orchestra, Band, and Guitar.
Students are encouraged to use 2-inch zipper binders.
All other supplies are provided.