Elementary Curriculum

GCS makes every effort to provide teachers with high quality curriculum resources. The majority of our resources come from researched based textbook publishers written from a Biblical worldview. All other resources have been vetted and teachers have been trained how to use these resources while keeping a Biblical worldview as the foundation for learning.

Curriculum Item Replacement

Please click the button to pay fees for any lost, stolen, or destroyed GCS curriculum items.

Supplies List (4-12)

Tuition covers ALL classroom supplies, as well as instruments, for Grades 1-3 only.

Most supplies are included in tuition for Grades 4-12, except for the following items:

Math Calculators
Pre-Algebra: Casio FX-300ES, Casio FX-115ES or TI-30XIIS
Algebra 1 and higher: TI-84

P.E. Combination Locks
High School: It is highly recommended to purchase a combination lock for locker rooms. It is the students’ responsibility if items are lost.
7th & 8th Grade: Students are issued school purchased combination locks and asked only to use them for their assigned lockers. We do not allow students to use their personal locks on their P.E. lockers.

Bibles (Translations):
6th-12th Grade: Students should purchase their own Bible. ESV is suggested, but NASB is also perfectly acceptable.
Other Grades: Bibles are provided.

Instrument Rentals:
Required for Strings, Orchestra, Band, and Guitar.

Students are encouraged to use 2-inch zipper binders.

All other supplies are provided.