Agritopia 08.23.2024


Hi Parents, 

Today we have a special guest writer sharing something near and dear to us on the Agritopia campus, READING! ~Mrs. Shue

My name is Mrs. Romes and I have the pleasure of being the Reading Interventionist at the Agritopia campus. (You may know me as the “Merge Lady” the first couple weeks of school.)

At the Agritopia campus, we emphasize the vital importance of reading for all of our students. To partner with our parents in this area, we continually add specific activities to help students learn to love reading. Last school year we added an Online Book Fair, Literacy Week, Literacy Family Night, and Meet the Principals at the Library. Along with improving and continuing those events, this year we are adding Interactive Activity Book Bags. 

We are starting with Kindergarten and the hope is that eventually we will make book bags for every classroom through 5th grade. This is a lofty undertaking, but we are excited to meet this challenge and for the families to enjoy these reading bags. The book bags include a book, an activity, and instructions. These book bags are intended to be a fun reading experience for everyone involved and purposeful family time.

Parents, please make reading a priority in your home. We suggest intentionally scheduling reading time into the family schedule, making reading nonnegotiable in your home. Research has shown us that reading to/with your child for a minimum of 20 minutes EVERYDAY, not just Monday-Thursday, will have the greatest educational impact on your child (see research chart below). Reading with your children and discussing the books they are reading independently should be done with children of all ages, not just younger elementary students. 


It is a joy to partner with you as we instill a love of reading in your children, which will in turn increase their academic achievement. 

On your marks, get set, READ!

Mrs. Romes



8/28: Fall Individual and Class Pictures

9/2: No School – Labor Day

9/11: Patriot Day Event (7:15-8:00)

9/18: Picture Retakes

9/19: 7th/8th Grade Orchestra Assembly Concert (8:30-9:00 am, AG Gym)

9/23-27: Spirit Week

9/25-27: 7th Grade Signature Trip

9/30-10/4: Literacy Week

10/4: MS Knights Celebration Day






Picture day is next week on Wednesday, August 28th. Picture day is for all students, PreK-8th grade. Students must be dressed in school uniform. Parents, if you would like to volunteer to help this day run smoothly, please sign up HERE.



We will be hosting our annual First Responders Meet and Greet in honor of Patriot Day and to remember the events of 9/11. Police force, paramedics, fire fighters, and healthcare providers in our GCS community are all invited to the Agritopia Campus on Wednesday, September 11th from 7:00-8:10am.  First Responders, please RSVP HERE if you are planning to attend.



Volunteer Opportunities will begin after Labor Day. All volunteers must complete the Parent Volunteer Agreement and the Volunteer Training



The first two minutes of each Color Group is a high congestion time for driveline. If you are able to be flexible, we suggest arriving in the middle of your driveline time for a quicker pickup.



8/27 | 4 pm- Soccer game @ Grace Christian

8/27 | 6:30 pm- Spiritline Green Informational Meeting in the AG cafeteria

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