Greenfield 08.23.2024

Principal’s Paragraph 

Dear Greenfield Families,

What a great week living out our Knights’ Core Values in attainable and tangible ways! We want the Greenfield campus to be a place where every child experiences the love of Christ through the actions and words of their peers. I want to give you practical ways to instill these same values at home.  Through social media platforms, movies, video games, or television shows; media has the power to influence our values, attitudes, and behaviors. As a community guided by Christian principles, it is imperative that we partner together to foster an environment that aligns with our shared values. Unfortunately, in our current culture, we are surrounded by an onslaught of digital media that is in stark contrast to what we believe.

Here are some simple and easy ways you can be vigilant in guiding your child(ren):

  • Open the line of Communication: Maintain an open line of communication with your child. Encourage your child to share their feelings and experiences, and offer guidance on how to respond lovingly in various situations. Foster a relationship where your child feels comfortable discussing their media experiences with you. This provides an opportunity for guidance and clarification when needed.
  • Empathy is key: Children learn by example. Demonstrate the principles of love and kindness in your daily interactions with others, both within and outside your family. This would include your reaction while driving or responding to a text or social media post.
  • Bible-Based Discussions: Engage your child in discussions about what Jesus taught. Explore truths from the Bible that embody His love and compassion for others.
  • Acts of Service: Encourage your child to engage in acts of service and kindness, whether it is helping a friend, assisting a neighbor, or participating as a family in community service projects. 
  • Prayer: Teach your child the power of prayer in seeking guidance and strength to love others the way Jesus loves us. The simple truth that prayer changes things can be lived out by stopping first in any situation to pray with your children before responding. 
  • Balanced Consumption: Encourage a healthy balance between screen time and other activities, such as reading, outdoor play, and face to face interactions.
  • Media Literacy: Teach your child to critically assess media messages. Help them develop skills to identify and question potentially harmful or misleading content.
  • Positive Role Models: Guide your child towards media that showcases positive role models, character development, and encourages empathy and kindness.
  • Be Visible: Face to Face connections are vital for proper academic growth. Allow your child to see you reading the Bible! When they see you seeking God first they will model that.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8

Impacting the world for Christ,


Fall Individual and Class Photos – August 27th and 28th

Lifetouch will be on campus Tuesday, August 27th and Wednesday, August 28th.  Students must wear uniforms for picture day.  To order online use picture day ID #EVTPSZN7H.


Coffee and Community

Come fellowship with the Principal and Vice Principal while meeting other parents in your child’s grade and making connections. Coffee & light refreshments provided. 8:15-9:00 am in the Multi Purpose Room.

7th and 8th Grade – August 29th 7th/8th Grade Coffee and Community


Greenfield Prayer Walk – August 27th at 8:00am

Please join us for our Prayer Walk on Tuesday, August 27th, at 8:00am.  We are meeting outside the front office doors.  


Patriot Day – Wednesday, September 11th 

Our annual Patriot Day is coming up on Wednesday, September 11th.  If you would like to host a station, please email Elisha Ferraro.  If you are a first responder joining for lunch, please RSVP using this form. If you are not a first responder but would like to show your appreciation, there are a few ways to get involved. Please click here to volunteer. 


Rooted in Prayer: Weekly every Tuesday at 8:05am 

If you are interested in joining us in-person or receiving a weekly email to pray with us at home please click here


Pay to Dress: September 5 – Solids vs. Patterns

Mark your calendars for our first Pay to Dress Day on September 5.  This year we are having specific themes for each Pay to Dress Day. Our first one is solids vs. patterns.  Please click the link to sign up and pay. Any questions on the dress code, please see the handbook.  To pay for one or all Pay to Dress Days, please click HERE.


24-25 Yearbook Information:

  • Purchase your yearbook today! $25 now through Dec.  Make sure to keep your receipt for your records.  
  • We need your pictures for the yearbook!  Please follow this link to upload pictures throughout the year.  
  • All students have the opportunity to show their school spirit by designing the cover for the 2024-2025 yearbook. One student’s entry will be chosen by a school wide vote for the front cover.  Multiple entries will be used on the back cover. 


Driveline Reminders

  • Practice the GF squeeze:  Close those gaps.  
  • When entering driveline, be sure to split into the two lanes.  Do not straddle between lanes. 


Dress Code Reminders

Please review the handbook. We are noticing students with pants, shorts, and shirts that do not fall within the GCS color scheme.


Lunchroom Volunteer signup 

Please consider signing up to help in our lunchroom for Quarter 1! There are still some spots available!

Lunchroom Quarter 1 Volunteer Signup



Spiritline Green is looking to add some more girls to the roster! We will be having an informational meeting on Tuesday, August 27th at 6:30pm in the Agritopia Cafeteria. Please email if you have any questions. We hope to see you there!

Volleyball will have their first home games this Thursday, August 29th. JV2 will play at 4 , JV1 at 4:45, and Varsity at 5:30. 

Soccer  will play their first home game this Wednesday, August 28th  at 4pm.

Come support your Knights!


Club Sign Ups

This is the last opportunity to sign up for our first quarter clubs!  Please take a look at the list and sign up today!

Choir Club 

Art Club 

Sports Discovery 

Soccer Stars 






Important Dates

August 27th, 28th: Fall Individual and Group Photos with Lifetouch

August 27th: Prayer Walk at 8:05am

August 29th: 7th/8th grade Coffee and Community

September 2: Labor Day – no school

September 5: Pay to Dress – Solids vs. Patterns 

September 11: Patriot Day


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