Agritopia 08.16.2024


Dear Agritopia Families, 

At GCS we have KNIGHTS Core Values, which are seven attributes we want to instill in our students. Next week, we will be going in-depth highlighting those values with a theme color, a challenge at school and a challenge for your family. Students are encouraged to wear a school polo matching the day’s color or a free dress, school appropriate shirt of their choice that matches the daily theme color. There are no other changes to what students can normally wear, as this is different from a spirit week. Today, the youngest child in each family will be coming home with a Core Value Week postcard detailing the overview for the week.

 Dress Code Guidelines

  • Dress code bottoms (jeans, khakis, etc.)
  • Shirts must have sleeves and extend below the waistline
  • No crazy hair or hair painted in different colors, no face paint, no hats, sunglasses, headgear, etc.

KNIGHTS Core Values Week

Monday 8/19

  • Wear BLUE for K – Know you were made in the image of God
  • Home Extension: As a family, create a list of ways that we reflect God’s image. Pray through the list, asking God to help grow your family in these areas. 

Tuesday 8/20

  • Wear PURPLE and/or ORANGE for N – Nurture healthy, God-honoring relationships and I – Inspire each other to be thinkers and learners
  • Home Extension: As a family, make a list of people and relationships that you can be praying for. Follow it up by reading Genesis 1-3, discussing the creation account, fall, and promised redemption.

Wednesday 8/21

  • Wear BLACK and/or WHITE for G – Grow in wisdom and H – Help one another achieve their academic potential
  • Home Extension: As a family, begin memorizing Proverbs 3:1-6.

Thursday 8/22 

  • Wear  GREEN and/or YELLOW for T – Thrive by using your God-given gifts and talents
  • Home Extension: As a family, talk about the gifts and talents the Lord has given to each of you, and make a plan as to how you will use them to further His kingdom. 

Friday 8/23 

  • Wear RED and/or PINK for S – Show the love of Christ to one another everyday
  • Home Extension: As a family, spend 30 minutes looking for items to donate to organizations like City Hope, Sunshine Acres, etc.


We are excited to be personally challenged by living out our Core Values in this tangible way at home, on campus, and in the community. Please pray for God to reveal wonderful things about Himself to our students, staff, and families as we seek to be light to our community for His kingdom purposes. 

Educating with eternity in mind, 




8/19-8/23: Core Value Week

8/28: Picture Day

9/2: No School – Labor Day




STEAM Challenge Island (begins 8/19)

Chess (begins 8/20)

Golf (started 8/14)

American Heritage GirlsLetter to Prospective AHG Family (begins 9/5)

Pickleball  (started 8/15)

Amazing Athletes (started 8/15)

Jubilee Choir (begins 8/22)



Volunteer Opportunities will begin after Labor Day. All volunteers must complete the Parent Volunteer Agreement and the Volunteer Training




Use this link to sign up for the Room Mom Meeting. Please note that this is an informational meeting only and does not commit you to being a room mom.


Mary Poppins Auditions: August 22nd & 23rd

5th – 8th grade students are welcome to audition for Mary Poppins Jr.  Click here for more info and to sign up. 

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