Greenfield 07.26.2024

Principal Paragraph

Hello Greenfield Community,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!  It has been wonderful experiencing God’s goodness and his grace as He has grown this campus for His glory. We are excited to bring in Mr. Chisum this year as the Vice Principal, and look forward to seeing God continue to be glorified here at the Greenfield Campus. Communication is key, and here is the breakdown of roles on our campus. We have created this in order to meet your needs as the parent community in a more effective way. 

We are dedicated to serving you and your families, and one of the most important aspects of this is making sure we are in classrooms. This allows us to be with your child and to coach our incredible teachers. We know that in order to truly run this school well, we need to be where the learning is taking place. Because of time in the classroom, meetings, events, etc., Mr. Chisum and I often do not see your emails right away. Please allow 48 hours for us to respond to your email. We understand that sometimes, your email needs a quicker response. Communication is something we take seriously, as it is vital in any partnership. Therefore, below is a list of who to contact when, so that you can get your questions answered quickly. 

  • Mrs. Majeski: PK-8 Principal – Please email me regarding anything to do with academics, curriculum, teachers, enrollment, safety, and admissions. (
  • Mr. Chisum: PK-8 Vice Principal – Please email Mr. Chisum regarding anything to do with events, operations, and student schedules. (
  • Mrs. Majeski & Mr. Chisum- Please email BOTH of us regarding anything to do with student care (teasing, unkindness, playground issues, etc.) & cultural issues. 
  • Mr. Emery: Campus Pastor & 7/8th Bible teacher: Mr. Emery’s role is to ensure students are growing spiritually, campus prayer needs and devotions. In addition, Mr. Emery supports administration in discipline and discipleship needs. Please email Mr. Emery if you have any prayer requests. (
  • Mrs. Landis – If your student is sick, or will be absent for any reason, please contact Mrs.Landis (, or call the front office. 
  • Front Office-Ms. Ryan – The front office should always be your first point of contact. Our wonderful office staff is knowledgeable about all events, sports, school happenings, driveline questions, etc. (
  • Mrs. McIntire (Athletics) – Please email Mrs. McIntire regarding all things athletics. He is our athletic director and will be able to answer all sports related questions. (
  • Mrs. Van Den Top – If you would like to schedule a meeting with me, please email Mrs. Van Den Top ( Mrs. Van Den Top will work with my schedule to set up a time for us to meet, typically after school.
  • Mrs. Emery – If you would like to schedule a meeting with Mr. Chisum, please email Mrs. Emery ( Mrs. Emery will work with Mr. Chisum’s schedule to set up a time to meet, typically after school. 
  • Mrs. Milchman: Student Services Coordinator – Please email Mrs. Milchman regarding anything to do with accommodation plans, Higley funding, speech services, etc. (

In a desire to best serve you, we might forward your email to someone who can respond to your question in a more timely manner. 

Impacting the world for Christ,

Mrs. Majeski & Mr. Chisum



Procedure, times, and expectations for the 2024-25 school year 

GF Driveline 2024-2025 (Parent Letter)


Diamondbacks Faith and Family Night

Each year the GCS PK-8th campuses attend the Diamondbacks Faith and Family Night.  This year, that event is on August 9th from 6:40 pm-10:00pm at Chase Field.  Casting Crowns will be performing after the game. Click here to purchase tickets. 



Get all the info you’ll need for the school year from our lunchroom manager:

Lunch 24/25 slides


Lunchroom Volunteer signup

Please consider signing up to help in our lunchroom for Quarter 1! 

Lunchroom Quarter 1 Volunteer Signup



Get Connected

Greenfield Connection and Community Info 24-25

Greenfield Frequently Asked Questions 24-25


Important Dates

July 27th: Uniform Exchange near the offices, 9am-10am

July 30th: Open House/Meet the Teacher Conferences

August 1st:  First day of school

August 9th: Diamondbacks Faith & Family Night – August 9th 6:40pm-10:00pm PURCHASE TICKETS HERE

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