Greenfield 11.27.2024

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.” Psalm 100:4,5


Dear  Greenfield Family,

Over the past couple of weeks we have been focusing on an attitude of gratitude, which starts with a devoted heart of prayer and seeking God first in all that we do. If thanksgiving is how we respond to God’s goodness in our life, gratitude is what we feel in the depths of our heart. It is the well by which we can draw authentic expressions of thanksgiving. Each morning I have been reading different verses about thanksgiving and praise to our Lord. What a wonderful blessing it is to share this with your kids everyday!

“Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old.”  Job 12:12 reminds us of the value of speaking with those who are older and who have more understanding. This morning we had a wonderful time welcoming our grandparents on campus. Their presence is very special as we honor the generations before. I love that at GCS we are able to take the time to celebrate the wisdom of “age.”  We also teach our students that honoring the elderly is part of God’s grand design. This is a true blessing that we do not take for granted. Enjoy your long weekend giving thanks to God for the blessings He bestows!

Impacting the world for Christ,

Mrs. Majeski


Choir Concert Details:

Tuesday, December 3rd –  Dress Rehearsal for Christmas Concert 

  • 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
  • Without Walls Church, 1303 S Lindsay Rd, Mesa, AZ 85204

Thursday, December 5th – Choral Christmas Concert

  • Call Time @ 6:00 p.m, Concert starts @ 7:00 p.m
  • Without Walls Church, 1303 S Lindsay Rd, Mesa, AZ 85204
  • Concert attire is the same as the fall concert and students are welcome to add a Christmas accessory in red, green, gold, or silver (Christmas scarf, necklace, tie, bowtie, earrings, socks, etc.)


Christmas Candy Grams

Dates – Monday 12/2 – Friday 12/13

QR Code will be available at the Sales Table (front gate) for parents to access.

Cost will be $1 each.  

Special pricing!!! 

  1. Buy a dozen for just $10.
  2. Buy a class set (one for every student) for just $15.
  3. Buy anonymous Candy Grams for teachers to hand out at their discretion

Student Council will prepare and deliver candy grams the week of 12/16-12/20. 



Order your book today! The cost of soft cover goes from $20 to $30 and hardcover goes from $25 5o $35 after 12/31.


Photos Needed!

We need your pictures from activities on campus.  If you want things like sports teams (right now we do not have any sports pictures from this fall submitted) or events included in the yearbook we need those pictures. Please upload them here.  If you have any problems or questions please email [email protected].


Dress Code Reminders:

PER THE HANDBOOK:  PK-5 Students must wear sports shoes everyday with socks or tights (for girls). Shoes that do not fit properly pose a safety hazard for PE and outdoor play. 

  •  Examples of unacceptable footwear for PK-5 include boots, rolling shoes, slippers, ballet flats, flip-flops, and any shoe that has a sole with a heel. 
  • Examples of unacceptable shoes for 6th-8th grade include boots, slippers, and any shoe that has a sole with a heel. 
  • Shoes must be worn at all times. 
  • GCS staff reserves the right to require students to change shoes if deemed to not fit within the stated guidelines. 


Driveline Reminders:

Make sure you display your tag through the entirety of driveline.  This helps with punching your number and for the kids to see and hear when their car is pulling up.   Also make sure you practice the Greenfield squeeze!  We need to pack those cars in to help the flow of driveline.


Important Dates:

November 27: Grandparents Day – ½ Day

November 28-29: Thanksgiving Break – No School

December 2-6: Winter Map Testing

December 3: Choir Concert Dress Rehearsal

December 5: Choir Concert @ Without Walls 

December 7: Pancake Breakfast and Christmas Market @ Val Vista

December 9: Hearing and Vision Rescreening

December 12: Band Concert 

December 20: Jingle Bell Jog and Knights Fun Day



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