High School 08.16.2024

Principal’s Paragraph: 

I was asked the following question today during a professional development training:  “How do I know Christ-Centered instruction when I see it?” For the remainder of the training my eyes were opened to see the amazing process that involves the revealing of God’s work in our academic plan.  “Christ-centered instruction is the process of instructional planning and teaching that helps the student think through subject matter and skill development in such a way as to develop the habit of connecting and comparing all knowledge to biblical worldview.” – Transformed PD(2022)

As a parent and leader in this Christ-Centered school district I find peace that we are intentional in revealing God’s plan for us through our academic studies.  It is such a blessing that we are able to carry out our mission statement with purpose and clarity.  I love the fact we pray for our students and staff.  We are able to ask God for guidance through tough decision making.  We seek his Word when we may feel uncomfortable in situations.  I love this educational setting for my children as well as for myself as an instructional leader.

Important Dates

8/23: First Home Football Game

8/27: Pay to Dress Day

9/2: Labor Day

9/27: Homecoming Game

9/28: Homecoming Dance

10/3-10/4: Freshmen Retreat at UCYC in Prescott (more details to follow)

August Staff Birthdays

8/27: Kelly Jones

8/29: Frank DeSena

*If you would like to bless our staff, here is the favorites list


Volunteer Corner

  • Sign up here to bless the staff with snacks during our monthly all staff meetings
  • Sign up here if you (or your high school age child) would like to watch staff kiddos during weekly Tuesday meetings.



This week, during our Chapel, the Spiritual Theme for the year “Passing Through,” was introduced. Freshman Bible Teacher Nick Jones spoke to all students about how to live like an exile in our current culture. He taught from 1 Peter 1:1-13, encouraging the students to 1. Reflect God, not the World, 2. Walk in Truth, Even When Ridiculed, and 3. Look Forward to Eternity: Don’t Get Distracted By The Fading World. You can watch this chapel (and the previous ones) here.



Our athletes have been hard at work, preparing for fall competitions to begin. Our rosters are coming together and will soon be available on gcsknights.com. Football kicks off the 2024 season next Friday at home! We can’t wait to see you all in the stands,  cheering on the Knights as they take on Florence. 

Last Saturday, three-sport star Tyler Burr hit the airwaves on AzPrepsLive with sports beat reporter Kevin McCabe, where Tyler spoke about his experiences playing football, basketball and baseball at a small Christian school. Check out the full interview HERE. Go Knights!



Hello Students & Families of Spanish Class and Beyond,

Spanish Club is headed back to Costa Rica during our first week of Spring Break 2025 if you would like to travel with us!  You can find all the information that you need at simplyventure.net/costarica.  But, I am happy to answer any questions you might have about this great trip!  (If you would like a student’s perspective, I will provide that for you as well.)

This note is sent EARLY because Simply Venture offers a payment plan. The first payment is due September 1, 2024.  A current passport is required to travel, but time is on our side at this point.  Once our team looks like it has formed, then we will have meetings at school.  We already have 6 signed up!

Also, Spanish is NOT required to travel.

Pura Vida,

Cathy Jorgensen (Catch me in room 106 at the High School or via email)



Parents, Grandparents, and all friends of GCHS are invited to join the team of volunteers that make up Rooted in Prayer every Wednesday that school is in session in Legacy Hall.  Praying aloud is not required and babies through preschool-aged children are welcome. Contact Mary for more information: HSPrayer@gcsaz.org.


Theater Arts 

If you would like to purchase a 2024-2025 Knights’ Theatre Company shirt, fill out this link and the KTC council will deliver your shirt. 


School Picture Day and Yearbooks

School Picture Day: Thursday, August 22, 2024

Dress Code: School Uniforms

To order photos, follow this link. Please place all orders for school photos online.

Yearbooks are on sale now. Prices are based on a sliding scale. Order early and save money! Place your order here, Job #7107.

Note: this link works best in the Chrome browser. Questions? Email the yearbook adviser at laura.fellows@gcsaz.org.

Seniors automatically receive a yearbook – no need to place an order.


College & Career

Register for the Tri-University Student Event (U of A, ASU, and NAU) on 8/25/24

Register for the Huntington University interactive fall workshop (animation, graphic design, and film production majors) on 9/12/24 

Volunteer Hours

Register here to volunteer with Swift Youth Foundation (after school STEAM activities)

Campus Newsletters

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