Greenfield 08.16.2024


Dear Greenfield Families,

Next we will be celebrating  “Knights’ Core Values Week”! This exemplifies who we are as GCS Knights, and most importantly who we are as a “Changed Life” through Jesus Christ. Each day will have a theme color and a challenge for your students. 

Knights’ Core Values Week

Monday 8/19

  • Wear BLUE for K – Know you were made in the image of God
  • School Challenge: Explain to a friend or staff member why being made in God’s image is special. 
  • Home Extension: As a family, create a list of ways that we reflect God’s image. Pray through the list, asking God to help grow your family in these areas. 

Tuesday 8/20

  • Wear PURPLE/ORANGE for N – Nurture healthy, God honoring relationships & I – Inspire one another to be thinkers and learners
  • School Challenge: Pray for a friend today, out loud. 
  • Home Extension: As a family, make a list of people and relationships that you can be praying for. Follow it up by reading Genesis 1-3, discussing the creation account, fall, and promised redemption.

Wednesday 8/21

  • Wear BLACK /WHITE for  G- Grow in wisdom AND H – Help one another achieve their academic potential
  • School Challenge: Help a friend study
  • Home Extension: As a family, memorize Proverbs 3:1-6.

Thursday 8/22

  • Wear GREEN/YELLOW for T- Thrive by using your God given gifts and talents
  • School Challenge: Create a list of 10 things God has gifted you, that you are thankful for. 
  • Home Extension: As a family, talk about the gifts and talents the Lord has given you, and make a plan as to how you will use them to further His kingdom

Friday 8/23

  • Wear RED/PINK  for S – Show the love of Christ to one another everyday
  • School Challenge: Do something kind for someone today. 
    • Examples: Hold the door, help your teacher, write an encouraging letter, help make dinner at home, do a chore for your parents, help a neighbor, etc. 
  • Home Extension: As a family, spend time looking for items to donate to organizations like City Hope, Sunshine Acres, etc.

The dress code rules for this week: The students are encouraged to wear a school appropriate shirt that matches the daily theme color. No other changes to what they can normally wear. 

Dress Code Guidelines

  • Dress code bottoms (jeans, khakis, etc.)
  • Shirts must have sleeves and no crop tops 
  • Students can wear GCS polos in these colors
  • No crazy hair or face paint

We’re so excited to be personally challenged to live out our Core Values in this tangible way at home, on campus, and in the community. We’ve already begun to pray for God to reveal wonderful things about Himself to our students, staff, and parents as we seek to be light to our community for His kingdom purposes. 

Impacting the world for Christ,

Half day Early Release TODAY:

Yellow – 11:00am to 11:05am

Black – 11:05am to 11:12am

Light Blue – 11:12am to 11:20am

Gray – 11:20am to 11:30am


Menchie’s Fundraiser:  Today August 16th, 12pm-10pm 

**Mention GCS Greenfield and 20% of your purchase will be donated to our school! 


Coffee and Community

Come fellowship with the Principal and Vice Principal while meeting other parents in your child’s grade and making connections. Coffee & light refreshments provided. 8:15-9:00 am in the Multi Purpose Room.

5th and 6th Grade – August 22nd 5th/6th Grade Coffee and Community

7th and 8th Grade – August 29th 7th/8th Grade Coffee and Community

Rooted in Prayer: Weekly every Tuesday at 8:05am 

If you are interested in joining us in-person or receiving a weekly email to pray with us at home please click here

Greenfield Prayer Walk – August 27th at 8:05am


Mary Poppins Auditions: August 22nd & 23rd

5th – 8th grade students are welcome to audition for Mary Poppins Jr.  Click here for more info and to sign up.


Patriot Day – Wednesday, September 11th 

Our annual Patriot Day is coming up on Wednesday, September 11th.  If you would like to host a station, please email Elisha Ferraro.  If you are a first responder joining for lunch, please RSVP using this form. If you are not a first responder but would like to show your appreciation, there are a few ways to get involved. Please click here to volunteer. 


Driveline Reminders

*If you forgot your tag, please make sure you park and pick up your child. *Keep your driveline tags visible for staff for the entirety of driveline. The tags are used when you enter driveline and up front where students are loading.


Dress Code Reminders

Please review the handbook. There have been changes to the length of shorts and skirts.  


Lunchroom Volunteer signup 

Please consider signing up to help in our lunchroom for Quarter 1! 

Lunchroom Quarter 1 Volunteer Signup


Club Sign Ups

Choir Club 

Art Club 

Sports Discovery 

Soccer Stars 





Important Dates

August 16th:  ½ day and Menchie’s Day

August 19th-23rd: Knights Core Value Week

August 22nd:  5th/6th grade Coffee and Community

August 27th, 28th: Fall Individual and Group Photos with Lifetouch

August 27th: Prayer Walk

August 29th: 7th/8th grade Coffee and Community


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